Signing in with Google

To use Cron calendar, you "Sign in with Google." Cron never sees your Google password.

Access to your Google Account

In order to run properly, Cron asks for several Google permissions. We carefully chose the scope of requested access to the minimum. All following permissions are required for you to work with your calendar and contacts. Cron is verified by Google and does not access any user data categorized as "restricted." You also have the ability to remove access at any time.

Here is a list of the permissions we ask to run Cron effectively. If you do not allow these permissions, Cron might not work as expected.


Checking all boxes is only necessary during the first login. The permissions are only used to access data on your behalf. No data is read, edited, or deleted without your interaction.

<aside> 💡 Trouble with login? See Troubleshooting login



Getting Started

Setting up Cron

Google sign-in to Cron

Troubleshooting login

Cron access for your organization

Getting around the grid

Calendar view options

Time zones

Other related pages

Multiple Google accounts

Team calendars and features

Security and Trust

Back to Cron Calendar docs


Cron Privacy Policy

Cron Terms of Service

Google OAuth API verification FAQ

Google Workspace app access control

Google Manage third-party apps