To connect additional Google Calendar accounts to Cron, you have to be logged-in to Cron with your existing user account. Then, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Calendars and select "Connect" (or simply K > Add Google Calendar account).

Connected accounts and their calendars are listed in the left-hand Cron menu. You can collapse accounts, reorder them, and reorder calendars within them. If you wish, you can also switch your primary account and disconnect accounts.

<aside> 💡 Previously combined calendars from multiple accounts via calendar sharing?

This has drawbacks and is not recommended anymore. Shared calendars can safely be hidden from the calendar list in the left-hand Cron menu by right-clicking on them and selecting ✗ Remove calendar from list.


<aside> 💡 **Migrating your email address/domain?

👉 If you’re still logged in to Cron with your old email address/still have access to it:** In Settings > Integrations > Calendars, connect your new Google Calendar account. Then, in Settings > Account > Profile, switch your primary account to your new one. You may disconnect your old account from Cron and use the new one to log in. Please contact [email protected] to have us update your email address we use to be in touch with you about updates to the product, etc. (You can check this email address by clicking on your profile photo in the top right-hand corner of Cron.)

👉 If you’re not logged in with your old email address anymore/lost access to it: For security reasons, you’ll have to request access for a new Cron user account. You may contact [email protected] to have us help you potentially getting your old username etc. back.



Account Updates

Multiple Google account

Updating your primary account

Account deletion

Other related pages

Google sign-in to Cron

Security and Trust

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