If you are having trouble logging into Cron with your work email, you might need to have an admin approve Cron for Google auth at your organization.
If you're an admin of your workspace, you can easily do this yourself. Just follow the steps below. Otherwise, send the following steps to your IT admin with the request to add Cron to the trusted apps:
I use the calendar app Cron (https://cron.com) and it needs to be added to the trusted apps to work. The steps are:
Here is what each permission is used for, and links to the privacy policy and ToS: https://www.notion.so/cronhq/Google-Sign-In-Into-Cron-83e92f0039ac44c5a19f379e5e288833
Here is their Security and Trust page: cron.com/security-and-trust
Cron access for your organization
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