The share availabilities feature in Cron allows you to quickly share available time slots from your calendar.


Creating a scheduling snippet

To share availability with someone, click on the button in your right context or use the shortcut S. Once in “Share availabilities” mode, you can set a title, duration, recipient time zone, and conferencing. You can then easily copy and paste the message and link into your preferred method of communication. This allows your recipient to either let you know by responding to your message or simply click the link and book themselves.

Booking for your recipient To select a time if your recipient confirms on message and doesn’t use the scheduling link, simply click on the hold and select “Create event from hold” from the ⋯ menu. The hold will turn into an event, auto-create the conferencing link, and free up all the other holds from this group.

Scheduling with the link

The share availabilities feature allows you to create a scheduling link to book a time within one of the holds you’ve sent them. If you want this option, just toggle on the “Scheduling link” to include a personalized scheduling page. When the recipient picks a slot from the meet page, the meeting appears on your calendar, and the holds simultaneously disappear.


Creating and Editing Events

Calendars, events, customization

Share availabilities

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